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Several months ago, my girlfriend (who I had only been with since December) said, "Hey, do you want to go to Europe?" "Well...

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

All The Crap That Should've Been Done A Month Ago

5 days to go.

This week has been a mad frenzy for me.  Seeing friends, packing, unpacking, sorting, repacking, and getting all the crap done that should've been done at least a month ago.  So I decided to make a little checklist for you all, so that if you decide to travel you have these specific things done AT LEAST one month before you go.  Because trying to squeeze them all into the last 5 business days is not the best.

1) Go to the dentist.  I know it seems like a no brainer, but seriously.  Do it.  Ashlen went and discovered that if she hadn't, the high altitude of the plane might have POPPED a tooth.  Like a balloon.  Thankfully I haven't had to deal with such issues, but I did have two cavities, and since I'm getting it done so late, they only have time to fill one.  Eeny, meeny, miny, mo...

2) Get your vaccinations up to date.  Another no brainer.  Check in with your doctor about current warnings from the CDC about where you're traveling.  They've got all the info you could need and it's super simple to get whatever shots you're lacking.

3) Figure out your phone.  If you want to bring your own phone, you have a couple choices.  Either switch over to an international plan (which at Verizon will run you at least $100/month), suspend your plan for a minimal monthly fee (or for nothing if you get a super awesome nice Verizon chat support person named Charlie) and purchase SIM cards over there, or just buy a whole new cheap phone with a prepaid plan when you get there.

4) Purge your clothing and make hard choices.  A lot of this week has been staring at piles of clothes.  Short sleeve in one pile, long sleeve in another, sweaters, jeans, khakis, pajamas, pile for goodwill, pile for maybe Europe, pile for not Europe but still keep....Just make sure to give yourself time, and give yourself permission to let...things...go.

5) Buy everything you might need.  Amazon Prime is a huge help here, but the farther ahead you plan, the more you won't have any surprises that require rush shipping and you'll have time to return things if you're not happy.  Money belts, phone cases, winter coats, and shoes are all things we've bought within the last couple days.

6) Plan a going away party.  With 5 days left I'm finding myself scrambling to see friends before I go, and realizing just how important it is for both you and your friends to have that "just in case, goodbye forever" hangout.  With social media these days no one is as far away as they used to be, but boy does face-to-face time count.

I'm more than sure this list will change and expand once we get over there and realize the actually important things we forgot to do, but hey, it's something!

5 days....oof.

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